
中文名称:The Dutchess

從Black Eyed Peas(黑眼豆豆合唱團)當家女主唱,蛻變成時尚界性感寶貝與電影明星,Fergie/菲姬的風采與魅力不斷加溫,2006年9月,随着首张个人大碟【The Dutchess】的出炉,她将把这股热力带到全新的沸点,彻底展现fun 到底的流行嘻哈魅力。打头阵的首支单曲《London Bridge》以超顽皮的嘻哈性格抢攻全美排行市场,一 举蝉联全美流行单曲榜热门单曲榜3周冠军,同时也在热门数位单曲榜、热门下载单曲榜中夺下冠军后座.

菲姬的首张个人大碟【The Dutchess】正式登场,专辑由黑眼豆豆的首脑担纲执行制作总 监,所有的黑眼豆豆团员全都友情跨刀献艺,专辑标题是在调侃具有约克公爵夫人身分,跨越电视谈话秀 、广告圈、出版界的话题女人莎拉[*菲姬与莎拉的昵称同为Fergie],菲姬同时也想藉此张专辑表达当代 女性的玩乐主义,首支单曲《London Bridge》请来天王制作人Polow The Don与词曲创作家Sean Garrett 携手打造,一登场就连霸全美4大排行榜冠军后座,为专辑抢得绝佳的头彩。

第2首放电单曲 《Fergalicious》即将顺势登场。专辑中同时力邀多位嘻哈名嘴助阵,南方嘻哈高手Ludacris与菲姬合作 散发嘻哈时尚风的劲歌《Glamorous》,will.i.am与菲姬来点怀旧放克与老派灵魂乐的迷情小品《Here I Come》,雷鬼之父Bob Marley的遗孀Rita则是与菲姬来首融合雷鬼/嘻哈/摇滚曲风的作品《Mary Jane's Shoes》,专辑中也不乏展现菲姬精致唱功的慢板情歌《Losing My Ground》、《Finally》


Ever since I was a baby girl I had a dream
Cinderella theme
Crazy as it seems
Always knew that deep inside that there would come a day
When I would have to way
Make so many mistakes
I could'nt comprehend
As I watched it unfold
This classic story told I left it in the cold
Walking through an open door that led me back to you
Each one unlocking more of the truth

I finally stopped tripping on my youth
I finally got lost inside of you
I finally know that I needed to grow
And finally my maze has been solved

Now my destiny can begin
Though it will have a different set
Something strange and new is happening
Now my life doesn't seem so bad
Its the best that I've ever had
Give my love to him finally

I remember the beggining you already knew
I acted like a fool
Just trying to be cool
Fronting like it didn't matter
I just ran away
On another face
Was lost in my own space
Found what its like to hurt selfishly
Scared to give of me
Afraid to just believe
I was in a jealous, insecure, pathetic place
Stumbled through the nets that I have made

Finally got out of my own way
I've Finally started living for today
I finally know that I needed to grow
And finally know that

Now my destiny can begin
Though we will have a different set
Something strange and new is happening
Now my life doesn't seem so bad
Its the best that I've ever had
Gave my love to him Finally

Finally, Finally Finally

Now my destiny can begin
Though it will have a different set
Something beautiful is happening, happening
Now my life doesn't seem so bad
Give my love to him finally

Ohhhhhhh, Finally, Finally, finally



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